I recently read an article on yahoo news about a forest fire covering 25 acres in California. We hear about fires all the time. They are common natural phenomenon’s, especially in California. Although they are mostly caused by nature, fires have also been started by humans from time to time. The National Interagency Fire Center lists that throughout the last ten years in the US, the yearly range was between 63,000 to 96,000 fires. In 2008 alone there were 78,979 wildland fires recorded. Either by on accident, or on purpose, forest fires are usually caused by trivial matters. But a GOLFER starting it?! Now that's a story!
August 31, 2010 was typical dry, hot day in Irvine, CA. The conditions were just perfect for a blaze, and in addition to the foreboding heat, the surrounding brush was dead due to a recent heat wave. The perfect recipe for a fire awaited the initial spark to set it free. A golfer (his name is being withheld) was playing at the Shady Canyon Golf Course when his ball flew off course into the brush. Following the rules of golf, he did not pick the ball up, but hit it from outside the greens towards the hole. Not only did the golfer's swing make contact with the ball, but it also chipped a protruding rock. As a human makes fire from hitting flint, the golfer's club created a bright hot spark which flew into the dry brush.
August 31, 2010 was typical dry, hot day in Irvine, CA. The conditions were just perfect for a blaze, and in addition to the foreboding heat, the surrounding brush was dead due to a recent heat wave. The perfect recipe for a fire awaited the initial spark to set it free. A golfer (his name is being withheld) was playing at the Shady Canyon Golf Course when his ball flew off course into the brush. Following the rules of golf, he did not pick the ball up, but hit it from outside the greens towards the hole. Not only did the golfer's swing make contact with the ball, but it also chipped a protruding rock. As a human makes fire from hitting flint, the golfer's club created a bright hot spark which flew into the dry brush.
From all the things one can use a golf club for, no one has ever thought of using it to make a fire. I wonder if cavemen living such precarious lives would have used a golf club in order to create fire, or whack each other’s heads. I remember Tom Hank’s countenance in "Cast Away," when he created fire. It was painted by the roots of absolute excitement and joy. Fire is such a necessity to life and without the right tools it is almost impossible to make. However, once started fires can be dangerous and leap on the wind to burn down thousands of acres of land. Ironically, this otherwise trivial wildfire started by a golfer turned into a relatively intense wildfire acquiring over 150 firemen and helicopters to distinguish the flame. How bizarre is that? Golfer, golf course, golf club, golf ball, and fire. What an eye catching story.
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